Graphic Design

Liam Pickering

Diploma of Graphic Design Ultimo

Video Bio
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Liam Alace Pickering is a multimedia designer from the Blue Mountains. They leverage game engines, animation software, and creative hardware to create dream-worthy experiences, with styles ranging from punchy grunge to sharp cyberpunk. They can be reached at:


iiSkyber is an exploration into movement mechanics in valve games. It uses player interactions, game logic, physics systems, and render optimizations to create a destructible cyberpunk train station. A focus on player movement and map scale allowed the existing game modes in 'Counter Strike: Global Offensive' satisfying, yet refreshing to play.

Project/Client Website

CoCo Bathroom Range

The CoCo Bathroom Range are user friendly shampoo and conditioner designs. A grippy shape and easily identifiable packaging were key, along with adjustable flow and fully recyclable materials. Graphics, and advertising were also produced, and a focus on industry technology made the product viable for production.

Project/Client Website

Liam Pickering Video bio