Communication Design

Alyssa Cuschieri

Bachelor of Communication Design Ultimo

Click for confetti 👏

Hi my name is Alyssa! I live in Sydney and when I'm not designing, I am either gaming or hangin' out with my cat. I love creating things for other people, whether it'd be to help out a small business or a gift for someone special. My favourite part about being a designer is seeing my work come to life. Being able to print and hold onto something I have created or see it on social media is really thrilling and special to me. It makes me love what I do. Now that I have graduated, I am hoping to work within a design agency or be my own designer and freelance for small businesses! Either way, I cannot wait to get myself out there and show the world what I am capable of!

Chow Pals

How might we make buying pet food an easy breezy experience? Introducing Chow Pals! An eco-friendly, pet loving business that keeps your pet's belly full, and not the landfills! As a pet owner myself, I know the struggles of buying pet food, from poor accessibility and transportation, to heaps of unnecessary packaging that ends up in the landfill.

After interviewing multiple pet owners, scoping the pet food market, and even conducting my own investigations, research concluded that pet owners were tired of not being able to transport their pet food packaging sufficiently, not being able to portion their pets food suitably, and having to buy pet food that is rough on the wallet.

Equipped with a handy dandy handle, a portion scoop and made with 100% recyclable material, Chow Pals is the perfect pet food brand for you! With these sleek design choices, the perfect design solution was made.

Body Positivity Campaign

The fashion industry has always had issues with body image, especially when in regard to women. As a Cotton On Group consumer, I have always had issues with finding the clothing size that fits my body proportions. All women come in different shapes and sizes, some are sized differently in areas that others may not be commonly sized larger in. It is extremely degrading to walk into your favourite fashion brand's retail outlet and have to walk out because there is no way that their sizes will fit you.

This led me to my project. How might we help consumers feel included in an extremely unfairly exclusive industry? This body positivity campaign for the Cotton On Group is a perfect way to help not only shine the business into a better light, but to also allow regular consumers and the target audience to feel better about themselves and not feel bad walking into any Cotton On retail outlets.

Copious amounts of research, including product research, consumer and audience research, and even previous advertising research led me to my design solution. In this project I created a series of posters and merchandise that praise women of all shapes, sizes, skin tones, etc. that would not only be present within Cotton On, but would also be either sold or advertised within the whole Cotton On Group Franchise.

I really loved creating this series of posters as I felt a deep connection with the message. It really meant a lot to me to get my thoughts, feelings and protest out for this particular campaign. When I had completed this project, I had gained plenty of feedback from others who had issues with body image and I was left with so much praise and empowerment. It was a really special feeling to be able to design something that meant a lot to other women, especially to women that I knew personally.